
A Not So Funday Monday

#mondayfunday #notsofunmondayfunday #sigosherts #covidchronicals Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you one what we are up to for the next couple of weeks. Looks like it will be quarantine for all of us Gosherts for the next two to three weeks. Josh started having random headaches late last week, and then we found out we …


A Little Fun

#wycliffewednesday #kateandmack It’s Wednesday, and look what I found! Wycliffeusa (on Instagram) shared this fun craft for kids (here). It looks super easy and super, duper fun! I don’t have access to a printer, so I am going to trace the pictures on to white paper by holding the paper up to the computer screen. …


17 Years in Love

Happy Anniversary to Josh and me. I thought it would be a fun surprise for Josh if for this #mondayfunday I put together a little review of the last 17 years together in pictures. Hope you all enjoy it, I sure did! #sigosherts Love you, Babe!


What an Unusual Week!

#mondayfunday #sigosherts Some fun and unusual pictures… First, were the odd health issues – Josh came down with a small cold or some type of allergy issue that quickly took to his sinuses. The right half of his face was not happy for a couple of days there. Poor little Anna also had a couple …


A Full Week

#mondayfunday #sigosherts “Full” is the word I would use to describe this past week. I am so full. I am full of thankfulness for so many things–healthy and happy kids, a temporary home that’s cozy and adequate, reaching another weight-loss milestone, healthy feet that can handle a 3-mile run, a fully funded Wycliffe ministry budget, …


New Friends and Activities

#mondayfunday #sigosherts It’s been a week of adjustment and fun. We’ve found a new routine here at JAARS and the kids are enjoying meeting new friends and trying new things. We went to a baptism yesterday afternoon and the kids got to swim. All in all, while we miss our friends and family, and our …


The Month That Flew By

#mondayfunday #sigosherts I could spend hours writing about this past month’s whirlwind of activities, fun events, hellos and good-byes, but as they say, pictures are worth a thousand words, and a lot more entertaining as well! First set of pictures: We spent three weeks in Missouri–a couple of weeks at Grandma Goshert’s house with a …


An Exciting Last Two Weeks

#mondayfunday #sigosherts We’ve been busy as busy can be these past two weeks. As many of you know, we’ve been praying about where God would have us go, and when. With Michigan practically shut down, our previous plans for Houghton were put on hold. Our plans for moving to JAARS in North Carolina were also …


The Doldrums

#mondayfunday #sigosherts The other day I awoke with a word that describes this feeling I’ve had these past six weeks: the “doldrums.” I feel like a ship floating atop smooth water with no wind to fill my sails. Not traveling to share with friends and churches has left us with a lot of extra time. …